
Off-line Upstream Equipment

PRODUCTS > Intelligent dosing products > Off-line Upstream Equipment

Off-line Upstream Equipment

The system is designed and developed for customers with low factory buildings, large variety of powder materials and complex formulas. Using screw feeder automatic feed, weighing moving car, automatic in place, circular conveying.

The system is designed and developed for customers with low factory buildings, large variety of powder materials and complex formulas. Using screw feeder automatic feed, weighing moving car, automatic in place, circular conveying.

2.1 system feature:

1.)Suitable for 110L-35L mixer

2.)Centralized dust collecting compact overall structure, single-storey plant,

3.)High precision of weighing, high degree of automation, saving labor

4.)Ingredient variety, easy to expand

2.2 Main technical parameters



 Mixer volume


Maximum   weighing   of carbon black scale


Maximum   weighing   of oil scale


Maximum   weighing   of rubber   scale


Scale   level


 Weighing period


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