
Automatic small chemical weighing system

PRODUCTS > Intelligent dosing products > Automatic small chemical weighing system

Automatic small chemical weighing system

This system can be group controlled at the same time using multiple scales. It controlled by computer network management, with recipe management, recipe running, date report, plan management, material statistics, alarm record and action chain, etc.

This system can be group controlled at the same time using multiple scales. It controlled by computer network management, with recipe management, recipe running, date report, plan management, material statistics, alarm record and action chain, etc.

5.1 Components:

This system contains unpacking device, storage device, feeding device, weighing device, frame, dust collecting system, pneumatic system, and control system.

5.2 Technical parameter:



Feed accuracy

Max(5g,   1%)

Display accuracy


Weighing time

40smax   recipe20kg

Production capacity

300~500 bags8h/shift

Number of batching varieties




Dust emission


5.3 Graphic model 

5.4 Pictures:

5.5 System feature:

1.)Fault-proof function of weighing & unloading

2.)The data is recorded automatically, and the report can be exported and back up

3.)Weighing accuracy,production efficiency


Automatic bagging &sealing device is option

Also can weighing explosion material

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