
Online Upstream Equipment

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Online Upstream Equipment

The system is a highly automated and intelligent material weighing feed system developed for the rubber industry.

The system is a highly automated and intelligent material weighing feed system developed for the rubber industry. It adopts computer information management and control 

technology,,to control material formula, to  control the batching and dosing of rubber mixing process precisely via computer software , database mechanical electronic 

technology. Eliminate the influence of human factors and ensure that mixing process is carried out in accordance with specified formula. The main function is to complete the 

automatic control of raw materials (powder, rubber, oil) transportation, weighing, feeding and mixing process.

1.1 System feature:

1.)It has integrated functions of production management, material management and  quality management

2.)High automation, labor reduce ,improve production efficiency

3.)Implement fault-proof function and quality retrospection

4.)Intelligent networked control, flexible extension, leaving MES hardware interface

5.)High precision, stable and reliable

1.2 Main technical parameters:



Mixer volume


Maximum   weighing   of carbon black scale


Maximum   weighing   of oil scale


Maximum   weighing   of rubber   scale


Scale level


 Weighing period


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